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Lectionary Essays for the year 2016.

Date Posted Lectionary Essay Title Author
Thin Place, Deep Water Debie Thomas
Called By a New Name Dan Clendenin
Open to the Other Dan Clendenin
Biblical Marginalia Dan Clendenin
The View from the Valley Debie Thomas
There's No Other Way to Live Dan Clendenin
Herod Wants to Kill You Dan Clendenin
This Is Good News? Dan Clendenin
Letters to Prodigals Debie Thomas
Me, Too Carrie LeRoy
New Ways of Being Alive Dan Clendenin
A Dead Man Named Jesus Dan Clendenin
The Disciple of Doubt Dan Clendenin
A Fire of Burning Coals Dan Clendenin
Belonging Debie Thomas
The Day of Non-Judgment is Near Dan Clendenin
Taking The Long View Dan Clendenin
To Convert, Begin Now Dan Clendenin
Words on Fire Debie Thomas
Deeper Than the Darkness Edwina Gateley
No Other Gospel Dan Clendenin
The Miracle of the Mundane Dan Clendenin
What the Body Knows Debie Thomas
Those Troublesome Christians Dan Clendenin
Walking the Way of St. Francis Dan Clendenin
Celebrating Twelve Years: 2004–2016 Dan Clendenin
Go and Do Likewise Debie Thomas
Amos and Daniel: The Center of the Gospel and the Fringe of Culture Dan Clendenin
When You Pray Dan Clendenin
The Rich Fool and the Saint Francis Dan Clendenin
Isaiah's Challenge to America's Militarism Dan Clendenin
A Quest That Goes Nowhere Dan Clendenin
Learning to Listen Dan Clendenin
Table Manners Debie Thomas
Pay Up Dan Clendenin
A Trustworthy Saying Dan Clendenin
Shared Civic Values Dan Clendenin
Acts of Hope in Times of Despair Dan Clendenin
Doing Faith Debie Thomas
A Theology of Geography Dan Clendenin
Our Keeper in the Struggle Dan Clendenin
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector Dan Clendenin
Learning to See Debie Thomas
A Generous Dispenser of Divine Mercy: The Canonization of St. Teresa of Calcutta Dan Clendenin
Come By Here: America's Presidential Election Dan Clendenin
A King for this Hour Debie Thomas
Wake Up! Melissa Earley
Slogans versus Principles Arthur J. Ammann
Are You the One? Debie Thomas
The Son of Adam Dan Clendenin
Best Books of 2016 Dan Clendenin
Favorite Films of 2016 Dan Clendenin

[ 52 essays for 2016 from 1168 total lectionary essays ]



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