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Lectionary Essays for the year 2006.

Date Posted Lectionary Essay Title Author
Tookie Williams and "Redemptive Transition": Tailor Made for The Wretched, Available for Everybody Dan Clendenin
Samuel and the Silence of God: So You Wish to Hear a Word? Dan Clendenin
When Chronos Meets Kairos: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 2006 Dan Clendenin
Repudiating Robertson: How Can We Know When God Speaks? Dan Clendenin
For the Weak and the Weary: A Spirituality of Imperfection Dan Clendenin
Naaman and Gehazi: The Outsider In, the Insider Out Dan Clendenin
Letting Go of Your Story: Learning from Traudl Junge Dan Clendenin
Listen to Him: The Transfiguration of Jesus Dan Clendenin
When God Was Green: The Original Eco-Covenant; Lent 1B Dan Clendenin
When Jesus Spoke Plainly: Lent 2B Dan Clendenin
Subtle as a Sledge Hammer: Jesus "Cleanses" the Temple: Lent 3B Dan Clendenin
Life and Light, Death and Darkness: Lent 4B Dan Clendenin
Contrition, Confession, and Candor: Lent 5B Dan Clendenin
A Lenten Letter To President George W. Bush; Lent 6B: Liturgy of the Passion Dan Clendenin
This Is What We Preach Dan Clendenin
Much Grace Was With Them All: Our Distinctive Sign Dan Clendenin
The Divided Loyalties of Resident Aliens: Strange Lands Your Home, Your Home a Strange Land Dan Clendenin
No Other Name: Only One Out of 10,000? Dan Clendenin
The Power of the Dogs: When Trouble is Near Dan Clendenin
The Blast of the Ram's Horn: Subversive Acts of Christian Joy Dan Clendenin
Judas and Matthias: On Mystery and Destiny Dan Clendenin
Hardest to Bear, Easiest to Forget: Pentecost 2006 Dan Clendenin
So Far, So Near David Buschart
Keeping Promises: Corpus Christi (Body and Blood of Christ) Don Thorsen
Texts of Terror and the Enemies of God: What Should We Do When Religion Becomes Evil? Dan Clendenin
Peace is Patriotic: Reflections for the Fourth of July Dan Clendenin
The Gospel of Our Weakness Dan Lewis
Dragged Along? David Buschart
Whose Agenda Is It Anyway? Sam Rowen
The Father's Whole Family: No Exceptions Allowed Dan Clendenin
Thank You, Liberia: Ecumenical Gratitude for Works of Service Dan Clendenin
Between the Animals and the Gods: Virtue and Vice according to the Apostle Paul Dan Clendenin
King Solomon, Politics and Power Dan Clendenin
Hearts on Pilgrimage Dan Clendenin
No Outcasts Cast Out: From The Politics of Purity to The Call for Compassion Dan Clendenin
Flattering the Rich, Exploiting the Poor Labor Day 2006 Dan Clendenin
The Starry Heavens Above: Robust Faith and Rigorous Science Dan Clendenin
Little Children and God's Kingdom: The Holy Grail of Human Greatness Dan Clendenin
Tell Them To Stop! World Communion Sunday Dan Clendenin
We Get to Be Human Dan Clendenin
Our Dappled World: Grace to Help in Our Time of Need or The Ultimate of All Miseries? Dan Clendenin
Greatness and Glory: the Jesus Way Dan Clendenin
Ruined without Reason: Epilogue to a Health-Wealth Fiasco Dan Clendenin
Amo Ergo Sum: I Love, therefore I Am Dan Clendenin
Political Illusions and Biblical Realities: Ten Reminders for Election Day Dan Clendenin
Be On Your Guard, Don't Be Duped, Deceived, or Distracted: 10 Warning Signs Dan Clendenin
The Clash of Two Kingdoms: Pilate the Prefect and Christ the King Dan Clendenin
The Coming of the Son of Man: Disbelief, Voyeuristic Violence, or Future Redemption? Dan Clendenin
John the Baptist: Divine Wisdom from the Lunatic Fringe Dan Clendenin
Never Again: Zephaniah 3:15 and the Hope of Divine Judgment Dan Clendenin
Mary's Magnificat: All Generations Will Call Her Blessed Dan Clendenin
The Hidden Years of Jesus: A Spirituality of Invisibility and Obscurity Dan Clendenin

[ 52 essays for 2006 from 1181 total lectionary essays ]



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